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All Round Resources

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(based on 332 reviews)

Fun and engaging learning resources for a range of subjects, ages and school settings! We also have a range of teacher development, workload and CPD resources too. The resource creator is an experienced Religious Studies Teacher and Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion Specialist. Have you got your learn on yet? REMEMBER... Get in touch to claim your resource. #GetYourLearnOn #BePrepared




Fun and engaging learning resources for a range of subjects, ages and school settings! We also have a range of teacher development, workload and CPD resources too. The resource creator is an experienced Religious Studies Teacher and Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion Specialist. Have you got your learn on yet? REMEMBER... Get in touch to claim your resource. #GetYourLearnOn #BePrepared
Peer Feedback Marking Slip

Peer Feedback Marking Slip

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. This resource is designed to support peer feedback in the classroom. The idea behind it is, you would write/display on the board the key things students should be looking for when taking part in peer feedback, such as key terms, structure, evaluative language, specific examples and quotes and lots more depending on your learning focus! You would then expect students to write these in the ‘What am I looking for?’ column and then as they read their peers work they would write the exact things (i.e. the exact key word, example, structure used etc) in the ‘What have I found column?’. This resource is great to enhance engagement and active learning in the classroom as students need to read their peers work in order to engage and complete the activity to provide specific examples rather than writing a generic comment in which they might not physically read the work. This also great for extended writing questions at GCSE/A Level etc. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or sendisaunders@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!
Learning Speeding Ticket

Learning Speeding Ticket

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. This resource is designed to support learners who often rush through their work without careful consideration of the task in hand. The resource is a speeding ticket in which you give to a student who needs to spend some more time on their work, reflecting on the suggestions of the teacher as indicated on the ticket. I then get students to stick the ticket in their work indicating that they have further spent time reflecting and enhancing their work. I issue these to students discreetly to limit other students seeing. This is also a highly effective way to implement adaptive teaching strategies as you can issue these to high or low attainers to support/enhance their focus on a particular task or aspect of their learning. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or sendisaunders@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!
THIS OR THAT Activity | Icebreaker

THIS OR THAT Activity | Icebreaker

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn This resource is designed as a back to school activity as an icebreaker for you and students to get to know one another in a fun and engaging way. It comes with 100+ ‘this or that’ options, such as pizza or pasta, night or day, cold or hot, beach or pool… the list is endless! Hours of fun options which you can use whenever needed as it can be used as a fun activity starter, plenary, on the last day of term, in an assembly… the options of use are endless too! Can be used for any aged students or teachers in any school or setting! The suggested way to use is to split the classroom into two and have students move to the side they agree with most when asked this or that. Alternatively, you could ask students to raise their hands, use mini-whiteboards or different coloured pieces of paper etc. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or sendisaunders@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!
@AllRoundRes BACK TO SCHOOL ACTIVITY! 'All About Me T-Shirt!

@AllRoundRes BACK TO SCHOOL ACTIVITY! 'All About Me T-Shirt!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** I created this resource, as part of the ‘Back To School Activities 2018’. This resource is designed to allow students to express and let you and fellow students get to know them, taking the idea of This Is Me from the Greatest Showman! Guarenteed to get student enagaged and excited to start the new school year… TOPTIP - Play the Greatest Showman Soundtrack in the background of student completing this activity. Students are to complete two different sides to their T-Shirt, which they cut, fold and stick to form one T-shirt, which represents them. One side is where students draw the object/answer/name that applies to them (show 1st page to students, so that they know what to do in each box of the T-Shirt). The second side is a refelction side for students to reflect on their year ahead, getting them to think! Examples of 1st side… Self-potrait Nickname Lucky number Favourite food My super-power Examples of 2nd side… My Top goals this year I feel happy when… My super-power is… A fun fact about me… Something i find challenging… Once students have completed, cut, folded and sticked them together you can they display them in your classroom… TOPTIP - Create a banner, with wire/string so that that both sides of the T-short can be seen! Then you can show us your design and students work via our social media - make sure you tag us (@AllRoundRes) and use our hashtag (#GetYourLearnOn) HAPPY BACK TO SCHOOL CREATING! Includes small and large designs, with full instructions for students to make sure that they are compeleting it right! With a bright and colurful design. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!
BTEC Level 3 Business: Unit 3 - Personal & Business Finance EXAM TOPS TIPS!

BTEC Level 3 Business: Unit 3 - Personal & Business Finance EXAM TOPS TIPS!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource for BTEC Level 3 Business; Unit 3 – Personal and Business Finance. This resource is essential to helping students achieve high marks, by using @AllRoundRes Key Exam Tips. This resource is a full sheet of exam top tips, which students should aim to follow when completing the exam. The tips are simple and easy to follow and remember, helping students make sure they achieve full marks where possible. Included is two different styles, with two different colours. For best use, print in colour with two slides per page and then laminate. ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
@AllRoundRes BACK TO SCHOOL ACTIVITY! Skit-tell-us!

@AllRoundRes BACK TO SCHOOL ACTIVITY! Skit-tell-us!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** I created this resource, as part of the ‘Back To School Activities 2018’. This resource is designed to allow students to show what trey got up to during summer and let you and fellow students get to know them, taking the idea of This Is Me from the Greatest Showman! Guarenteed to get student enagaged and excited to start the new school year… TOPTIP - Play the Greatest Showman Soundtrack in the background of student completing this activity. A great way to start the day and get back into the rhythm of classwork. Students are to complete a Skit-tell-us card. But first you need a pack of Skittles and students are to pick 3 different colours and then answer the question as shown on the first slide. They should do this in the box on their sheet, use as much colour as possible, then they can eat their Skittles. Once students have completed them you can they display them in your classroom… Then you can show us your design and students work via our social media - make sure you tag us (@AllRoundRes) and use our hashtag (#GetYourLearnOn) HAPPY BACK TO SCHOOL CREATING! Includes instructions slides; What students need to do and what each colur means. As well as a sheet with indviducal Skit-tell-us cards. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!
How to get an A*?! Reaching for the TOP GRADES!

How to get an A*?! Reaching for the TOP GRADES!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** Do your students need a little help revising? Do they need to get their head in the game? Then, this is the resources for you! A comprehensive, poster (printed of as A3), which includes my top study tips on how to reach those top grades. 10 Top Tips, with descriptions of how to avoid this or DO this. Colourful and bright resources, to gain student attention. It is essential for students to get the support that they need whilst revising, so that they can focus on the key aspects and understand how and what is the best way to revise for them. Could be printed of individually for each student, to fit in their diaries. Or, could be printed of in A3 and displayed in your classroom. This resources is great for any students wanting to achieve the top grades.......A*! For this to happen, students must.......... Achieve, Believe and Aspire! Some tips include: * Get organised, * Be part of your lessons, * Commit to it, * Don't procrastinate, * Read teachers comments ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email thomassaunders00@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
STOP GRAMMAR TIME! Check Your Grammar Bookmarks - Homophone and Language Devices!

STOP GRAMMAR TIME! Check Your Grammar Bookmarks - Homophone and Language Devices!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn This resource is a simple bookmark, which pupils can have on hand when completing writing work. It includes two sides; homophones and common language devices, with a short description of what each word means and examples of the words being use in context. For example: The cat waited patiently for its dinner and ‘today looks like it’s going to be rainy day’. Homophones covered are: its or it’s their, there or they’re where, were or we’re too, to or two Language devices covered are: Nouns Proper nouns Pronouns Adjectives Verbs Adverbs Connectives Prepositions All give a short description explaining what each device is and how it can be used, as well as an example in context. Sheets are A4 and 4 to a sheet! You can either print out and laminate and pupils can these by their sides/on their desk/in their trays or bags OR you could print out and stick into pupils books, using a piece of sellotape to attack so you can see both sides. If you edit/change anything, please show us! It may support us in future resource development. Included is a PDF and PPT version if you wish to edit and change examples to go with your class etc. **NB: Please DO NOT remove @AllRoundRes branding! ** Show us this resource in action in your classroom! Use #GetYourLearnOn on social media! Thank you for your support – happy learning! If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
Whole School: Literacy Marking Code Classroom Posters! All Levels!

Whole School: Literacy Marking Code Classroom Posters! All Levels!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** I created this resource, as part of a whole school literacy programme. The main aim is to encourage positive marking from teachers when students write extended pieces of work or the marking of their books. Helps students recognise what they need to change and improve on for next time, allowing them to correct the mistakes that they have made. Helping students improve their writing! The resource itself is a set of marking code posters to display in classrooms. Teachers should use these codes when marking students work in all subjects, this will help students to have unity and a sense of understanding in what has been marked as each code will be the same. Four simple posters to summarise marking principles! They are designed to be used across the whole school, in all levels and all subjects. They are colour coded for ease and clarity. The first poster could be printed small, to stick in student’s books or planner so that they know what the codes mean. Around the outside are small codes to remind students of what to include when writing, e.g. types of punctuation, how to present work – underline and how work will be marked. The pack itself includes: * Quality of Written Communication *Punctuation *Paragraphs *Spelling and Grammar ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
Prayer for Exams!

Prayer for Exams!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback! ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** I created this resource so that students can become calm, relaxed and at ease when in the exam hall. They could be said at the start of each exam, in an exam hall or classroom. Can be used for all years, The prayers are on a background, simple text and easy to follow! It is a PPT so is easy for you to edit! ********************************************************************* If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email thomassaunders00@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
Can I have feedback SIR? How to mark students work?! #CPD #GetYourLearnOn

Can I have feedback SIR? How to mark students work?! #CPD #GetYourLearnOn

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn I created this resource, as a guide to help teachers mark students work, a handy poster to display in offices, staff room, classrooms near teachers’ desk or to give to all teachers to keep/glue to their planners. Designed to make marking quicker, easier and more effective to both teachers and students. Helps teachers focus on the strengths, improvement and response from the student. A guide to marking in the form of a traffic light system; green, amber and red illustrated through emoji expressions. Also, includes a section where teachers can check if they have included a set of things when work has been marked… Can be integrated into lessons to help check students understanding of the lesson and errors made during work…AfL! Should be used in conjunction with my ‘Whole School Literacy Marking Codes’ to encourage concise, organised and effective marking feedback across the work school, all ages and all subjects. Teachers should aim towards this to give students effective and thorough guidance on what they can do to improve and how they can go about this… #CPD Teachers should aim to try and encourage positive praise in the classroom; this can reduce behavioral issues, promote good well-being and participation in the classroom. A section includes how teachers can praise positive work from students work that has been marked… #STARStudent = 100%! A colourful and bright poster to help teachers improve marking, making it easier for all. #GetYourLearnOn Supplementary Resource: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/whole-school-literacy-marking-code-classroom-posters-all-levels-11685004 *************************************************************************************** If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
@AllRoundRes "What does this image show?"... The 5W's!

@AllRoundRes "What does this image show?"... The 5W's!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource to be used as a starter activity or lesson task, to get students thinking and simulating their brain for the lesson and learning. It is designed to get students thinking about a specific picture/image/text etc. that relates to the lesson or topic. This specific design lets students think about the 5W’s; who, what, where, when and why of the image. Simply, delete the question marks from the box and add your picture, ready for student to analyse. ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
@AllRoundRes "What does this image show?"... Your P.O.V!

@AllRoundRes "What does this image show?"... Your P.O.V!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource to be used as a starter activity or lesson task, to get students thinking and simulating their brain for the lesson and learning. It is designed to get students thinking about a specific picture/image/text etc. that relates to the lesson or topic. This specific design lets students think about the different types of perspectives of the image. Simply, delete the question marks from the box and add your picture, ready for student to analyse. ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
'WE'RE GOING TO GLOW TOGETHER THIS YEAR!' | Back To School Gift - Ready to go! | #GetYourLearnOn

'WE'RE GOING TO GLOW TOGETHER THIS YEAR!' | Back To School Gift - Ready to go! | #GetYourLearnOn

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn This resource is designed for you to give to pupils on the first day back at school or when you first meet your children for the first time! Simple, inexpensive, easy to use, adaptable for all school years and levels! Let your children know they are going to GLOW this year! And you can save and reuse the the same templates year on year! Included in this resource is a how to use guide and a ready to go slide for you to print with X6 gift templates to a slide. All you need to do is print out, cut them out, hole punch them and add your glow sticks to them as shown in the image. You can pick glow sticks up from Poundland, with 20 to a pack… easy and cheap – what more could you want to welcome your children back to school! This resource has been uploaded as a PDF to ensure the quality of the resource and the fonts remaining the same as pictured (as some may not have those fonts installed). It is therefore, not editable. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
12 Days of CHRISTMAS Bible Readings!...Reflection!

12 Days of CHRISTMAS Bible Readings!...Reflection!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this as part of Christmas at @AllRoundRes. It’s a pack of Bible readings, focusing on Christmas and the events leading up to the birth of Jesus. 12 DIFFERENT Bible readings for the 12 Days leading up to Christmas. Can be used in class, as reflective time or during assemblies. A time to reflect on the year and what is to come in the next. Remembering the true importance, spirit and reflection Christmas! *************************************************************************************** If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
BTEC Level 3 Business: Unit 3 - Personal and Business Finance - How to answer the questions POSTER!

BTEC Level 3 Business: Unit 3 - Personal and Business Finance - How to answer the questions POSTER!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource for BTEC Level 3 Business; Unit 3 – Personal and Business Finance. This resource is essential to helping students achieve high marks, by understanding what each style of question the students are being asked. This resource is a full sheet of the different types of questions (marks range) from 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 12. Each box contains tips and hints as to how students should approach each question. As well, a small image is included to summarise the main aim of what students should be doing when answering that question. Included is two different styles, with two different colours. For best use, print in colour with two slides per page and then laminate. ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
@AllRoundRes 'Our Classroom Rules' Poster!

@AllRoundRes 'Our Classroom Rules' Poster!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource to be used a display in classrooms to show students of classroom rules and expectations. It’s a simple A4 sheet which shows what students should aim to do and follow whilst they are in the classroom. Making sure they are prepared for learning. The poster could be printed in large and displayed in a prominent place in the classroom. Or you could print them in small and glue them into students’ books or diaries, to make sure they always know what the rules are and what they should strive for in your classroom. Focusing, on the fact that students should be prepared for learning, they should – dream big, try new things and not be afraid to make mistakes, believe in themselves and work hard. All rules are skills and concepts that students should strive for to achieve, believe and aspire in the classroom and in their learning! ************************************************************************************************************************ If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****
Whole Class Feedback/Marking Sheet

Whole Class Feedback/Marking Sheet

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn This resource is a whole class feedback and marking sheet which has a variety of uses for your needs. I like to use this resources when discussing exams, essays, homework tasks and extended pieces of writing. It is designed to significantly reduce teacher workload by having feedback in one place to then be used in lessons as an opportunity to discuss the work and talk about what went well and future opportunities and development. It also provides space for you to outline good pieces of work and methods/key terms/ideas etc students used. As well as providing space to discuss any errors, misconceptions and SPaG issues. At the bottom of the sheet is space to outline any further work students need to do as an enhancement activity, whether that be to redo some questions, research or revise a topic or explore key terms etc. This sheet can be printed off and written on as you work or typed into, which means you can share on a screen with students. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or sendisaunders@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!
AfL Assessment Stickers! Emoji Style!

AfL Assessment Stickers! Emoji Style!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback! ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** I created this resource as a quick and easy AfL tool. It is designed so that students can quickly fill it in at the end of the lesson. Let's students complete a self-reflection of the lesson, in terms of their personal performance, engagement and behaviour. Let's you gain an insight into what your students like, what they need to work on and practice and what they feel that they do next lesson. 10 stickers on page. Designed to be put at the bottom of a page in a students book at the end of the lesson. Simply and easy to fill in! Included is a PDF and Word version, to make it easier to print off and edit/adapt to your needs! Contents include: * WWW/EBI * Rate my lesson - emoji style! * RAG rate - behaviour: What should I do next lesson? ********************************************************************* If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email thomassaunders00@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! ***** Preview
@AllRoundRes Plenary for a week activity... Tweet It!

@AllRoundRes Plenary for a week activity... Tweet It!

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don't really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn #AskAllRes I created this resource to be used as a plenary activity for a whole week! This resource is designed to test students’ knowledge and understanding of what they have learnt during the lesson, over a week-long period. It allows students to reflect on their learning and summarise what they have learnt, in just 140 characters… perfect for summaries to revise from! Students should also create a # to summarise the lesson learning and concept in just ONE word. For maximum use, print in colour and hand to students on Monday to be prepared for the rest of the week. A bright and colourful resource to gain the attention of any student! It could also be used as part of a Twitter in the classroom display (Coming Soon!). Send us your pics, of your students completing the sheet. We want to know their bright ideas!... @AllRoundRes *************************************************************************************** If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help! ***** Be sure to follow me, to keep update with my most recent uploaded resources! *****